Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Maybe for a bridal shower?

Ok, I was fooling around and made a washcloth Sundae and a washcloth LogRoll. These would be really cute at a bridal shower. Easy peasy to do. Go to the Dollar Tree and pick up a couple packages of the champagne glasses (6 for 1.00) and a couple packages of washcloths.
To make the sundae... make a ball from the washcloth and stuff it inside the glass, add a plastic spoon and a little red pompom. Done! The LogRoll is a brown and a white washcloth rolled up to make a cloth logroll (you know like the chocolate cake rolls in the store). Tie a pretty ribbon around it and there you go. Although I did add a green pompom simply because I like the things.
I am working on washcloth parfaits and washcloth pie slices. I am also trying my hand at diaper cupcakes in a 6 pack package. I'll post them if I get them done to my satisfaction.

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